

和 的糾紛

和 的糾紛(解決篇)

psistwu posted @ Mon, 13 Sep 2010 21:36:44 +0800 in Consumption with tags consumption dispute , 17667 readers

在我認為準備已經足夠後,我立刻就啟動了 PayPal 的 dispute report,方法如下:

  1. 登入 PayPal
  2. 開啟 My Account 的子項目 Resolution Center
  3. 點選按鈕 Dispute a Transaction
  4. 到這裡你會看到兩個選項:Item disputeUnauthorized transaction

我之前遲遲不動作就是卡在這裡,照直覺來看應該選 Unauthorized transaction,但是我看了官方的說明後又覺得不太對。在 PayPal 的文件裡,這個項目比較像是處理帳號盜用的問題。在我的情況, 事實上是有我的授權的,只是雙方對契約的認知上出現了差異,因而產生糾紛。我請別人幫我判斷,他告訴我兩個方法應該都可以,不過 Item dispute 可能要拖的比較久,因此我最後選擇 Unauthorized transaction。接下來:

  1. 進到 Unauthorized transaction 後 PayPal 要求你填寫 unauthorized transaction ID,你可以點選欄位旁的按鈕,它會開啟你的交易清單。你只要點選你想要申訴的交易的 ID,系統就會自動把 ID 幫你填上。
  2. 按下 Continue 之後,來到最後一個部份。這時候 PayPal 會要你提供一些相關資訊。其中最重要的是最後一欄:2000 字以內的陳述。當你都填妥後,你的申訴手續就完成了,再來就等 PayPal 的回應。


The cause of this dispute is my disagreement about how charged me.

On 8 August 2010, I registered myself on, and chose to use a test period. At that time, I paid them 1 € through PayPal. I had no intention to continue to use their service after this test period then.
Later on 23 August 2010, I received your notification of this transaction in surprise, and I immediately went back to the website of and review their TOS(Term Of Service) carefully. In their TOS, it says if the Customer didn't cancel within the test period, the contract will extend automatically. This is why this transaction happened.

I must admit, I didn't pay much attention to their TOS when I registered, this is my fault. However, I think also has the responsibility in helping their Customer to understand their TOS, but I don't feel they fulfilled it. The following is my reasons:

  1. In addition to their TOS, didn't give any sufficient warning about the "extend automatically", they didn't mail me any notification before they charged me, either. This, I felt, is unacceptable.
  2. Before my case, there have been several similar disputes with, I found these complains on internet: I don't have any solid evidence, though. However, some of the users also paid the charge through PayPal, so I think you might have some dispute reports about, and that would support my claim.
    Since I wasn't the first with this problem, I think they should have known their test period scheme would cause disputes potentially, but they didn't remedy it.

I hope these reasons would grant me a fully refund and I am willing to provide any further information if needed.
Thanks for your help.


我是在深夜提交的,PayPal 隔天早上就結案了,它通知我會把費用完整的退回我的信用卡裡。我真的覺得 PayPal 的效率非常了不起,也十分感謝它能認同我的觀點,讓我能取得退費。


cola said:
Mon, 20 Sep 2010 07:05:14 +0800


psistwu said:
Thu, 23 Sep 2010 06:26:13 +0800


lei said:
Sat, 06 Nov 2010 05:06:33 +0800

我有個問題,那之後 又找過你嗎??還是就這樣撤底解決了

magic said:
Tue, 03 May 2011 02:24:56 +0800

因為剛發現自己也中招了, 特來謝謝版主提供的求償(退款)的樣版內文.. 不過還不確定能不能成, 所以還沒在USENET取消訂購的狀態.. 想說如果這4千多塊要不回來.就將就多下載些有聲書來聽吧...

magic said:
Sat, 14 May 2011 16:44:30 +0800

嗬嗬!~ Paypal 果然是好樣的! 2週內就協調成功! ^ ^

2011-May-12 Transfer To Credit Card Completed Details Transfer To Credit Card -NT$4,315 TWD

剛特別回去取消訂購(但是...程式上還註明有35G可下載...而且在DATA VALUME那邊還註明了"Your download allowance will reset on 05/24/2011."

呃.. 我不用在10天後再回來查看它有沒有再續約吧? @_@"

Morris said:
Thu, 22 Mar 2012 14:50:38 +0800

謝謝你的解說, 功勞一件, 我剛也照您的方式去cancel掉並請Paypal幫我協調了, 謝謝你

Michael said:
Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:41:30 +0800

很感谢您的帮忙,我是昨天晚上收到银行SMS短信才知道扣款了!当时很茫然,以为是信用卡被盗刷。查询了Paypal才知道是被 扣了,感觉很气愤和无耐,而且损失也比较大,关键是我并不需要这样的服务。我昨晚已经向Paypal提出申诉,但是由于比较急,申诉愿意没有写的这么详细,等待进一步处理。感谢您的指点,让我看到了些希望!

JT said:
Sat, 21 Apr 2012 00:55:29 +0800

您好! 我也遇到了一樣的問題.正依你的方法處理中.

JT said:
Fri, 27 Apr 2012 11:24:17 +0800

這次Paypal 更厲害, 一週就協調完成了. 謝謝版大的分享!

Celia said:
Thu, 31 May 2012 10:32:46 +0800

太感谢了,我是今天早上收到短信说扣了我99.96欧元的。我照着楼主的样子给paypal发邮件了。希望可以很快解决这件事情。解决完了,赶紧去conceal usenet 的用户。再也不想跟这个网站有任何关系了!

Celia said:
Thu, 07 Jun 2012 15:34:44 +0800

太感谢楼主了。我就用了楼主的邮件,稍微修改了一下时间 。刚才收到paypal的邮件,说3-5天内,那99.96欧元会返回到我的信用卡里面。

notforreal said:
Fri, 08 Jun 2012 20:55:42 +0800


Young said:
Thu, 28 Jun 2012 10:56:25 +0800


許賀 said:
Wed, 17 Oct 2012 12:56:55 +0800

我也是最近才中招的。 15,OCT扣款,之後我就用PAYPAL協調了。協調的時候還是中文寫的。 沒想到今早17,OCT收到PAYPAL的回覆退款了,也是3-5天退回信用卡。

napoleon said:
Wed, 24 Oct 2012 22:07:39 +0800

你好,我是陆生。我在 页面(就是那个注册的第一个页面,要地址什么的信息的)第一步进行了邮箱认证,之后网页出来后我就没有操作,直接关闭了网页,请问这样会不会有风险(扣钱或者法律上的)?

loe_v said:
Sun, 09 Dec 2012 14:13:36 +0800

@許賀: 您好,请问您用中文进行申诉,又是如何写的呢?能提供个范本吗?谢谢您!

yiming said:
Sat, 05 Jan 2013 12:08:36 +0800


wheatwhi said:
Wed, 15 Jun 2016 13:49:20 +0800


celia said:
Thu, 16 Jun 2016 16:23:52 +0800

@wheatwhi: 这个真不知道,我当时是和。paypal联系的.没有和他们直接联系的。不过你可以写信看看

ttzaaw said:
Thu, 16 Jun 2016 22:30:18 +0800

@wheatwhi: 你可以在工作时间通过网站上的contact form(也就是联系我们) 发送想取消试用期账号的请求,我这边大概2小时后就给我取消了。希望可以帮到你!

wuyuan said:
Tue, 05 Jul 2016 05:22:15 +0800


liu said:
Tue, 27 Sep 2016 08:44:10 +0800

謝謝你提供的經驗,對我有很大的幫助,我去她網站上取消,結果他竟然要我打電話到美國去取消(根本強制讓人無法取消),因為我還沒到10天,所以99.96欧員還沒出去,我直接打去信用卡公司申請掛失了,非常謝謝你: )

SEER said:
Wed, 13 Sep 2017 23:17:38 +0800

如果是PayPal的看這邊 要取消自動扣款的話
先登入paypal - 點右上角齒輪到個人檔案 - 收付款 - 管理自動付款 - 找usenet - 狀態那點取消 - 取消後 狀態那會變成無效 這時應該會收到一封信件 上面說 你已取消對usenet的授權自動扣款 這樣應該就放心了 如對於我 打的字還有不懂的話 去google搜尋 "如何取消PayPal 續約訂購的自動付款功能?" 有一堆人 附圖文 教學 
我也是不小心註冊 一google usenet的風評 馬上嚇得不知如何是好 本來想說要把卡辦遺失補新卡 結果算了 經過爬文 找到方法 終於放心


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Wed, 30 Oct 2019 12:01:42 +0800

昨天按照一樣的情況跟paypal 申請Unauthorized transaction
卻被decline了 請問有什麼其他辦法可以解決嗎?
真的好心急 看了網路上那麼多人都成功了但竟然被decline了....

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